Monday, April 23, 2018

Irish Bar He-She-nanigans

Irish Bar He / She - nanigans

(Names have been changed to protect the guilty)

My friend Seamus used to tend bar in an Irish gin mill. Most of the patrons were older Irish men. One day a very tall woman came in. She was younger than most of the men. When Seamus served her, he noticed something peculiar. Beneath her scarf, he saw an Adam’s Apple. The woman was actually a man.

One of the regular patrons remarked about the "pretty woman.” Seamus told him, “That’s a transvestite.”

A few minutes later, the patron’s friends came in. The bar fly pointed to the “woman” at the end of the bar and said in a thick Irish brogue,

“Would ya’ have a look at that? It’s a trifecta!”

Seamus was busy at the other end of the bar. He heard a rustling, as if there were a scuffle. The woman hurriedly left the bar.

A little old Irish man was standing there with a bewildered look on his face.

“What happened here?” Seamus asked.

“She had balls, Seamus. She had balls!” Apparently, the little Irishman had put his hands up the “woman’s” skirt.

These days, there would be a lot of hullabaloo, what with all the politically-correct talk of “Transgender” and “trans-sexual.” Back then, it was transvestite and cross-dresser. A man dressed as a woman - or vice versa - was outside the norm. I don’t understand it and no amount of explanation will change that.

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